Community Work
Brexit changes proposed for holiday leave, rolled up holiday pay and WTR record-keeping
Government proposes to limit non-compete clauses to three months
EU Law to remain binding unless it is expressly repealed
Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023
Increases to statutory rates for family related leave
National Minimum Wage Increases
Statutory Sick pay Increase
Increase in weekly limit for calculating statutory redundancy payments
Consultation launched on holiday pay for term time workers
Government's response to menopause report published
Draft Code of Practice on Fire and Re-Hire launched by the government
Enhanced redundancy protection for pregnant employees and those returning from maternity leave
Neonatal leave and pay planned to be introduced
Leave for unpaid carers to be introduced
Employer's liability for third party harassment to be reintroduced
Flexible Working to become a right from day one of employment
Extension on ban to exclusivity clauses for zero hours workers
Domestic abuse leave to become a right from day one in Northern Ireland
Rogue employers set to benefit from the government's delay to new laws
Menopause workplace pledge signed by over 600 employers