Community Work
How many Britions have asked for a payrise and how many have been successful?
Increase in statutory maternity pay and other family related leave
Increase in statutory sick pay (SSP)
Tipping - proposed new law
Annual increase in statutory redundancy payment and compensation limits
Statutory Code of Practice to be issued on "fire and rehire" practices
Live-in domestic workers to be entitled to the national minimum wage
Increase in Vento bands from the 6 April 2022 for injury to feelings awards
National Minimum Wage increases from 1 April 2022
Outcome on proposed reforms to non-compete clauses still awaited
Period of sickness before fitnote required extended to 28 days
Health and Safety detriments extended to "workers"
New government consultation: flexible apprenticeships
Increase in damages for injury to feelings in discrimination cases
New NMW rates and guidance
Increased rates for redundancy pay and tribunal damages
Increases in SSP and family related leave
Public sector exit pay cap revoked
Non-compete restrictions: should employers have to pay during the restricted period?
Proposal to ban exclusivity clauses in zero hours contracts earnings less than £120 per week