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Queen's Speech 2019: employment implications

The Queen's Speech was delivered in the Houses of Parliament, setting out details of legislation that the government intends to carry over into, or introduce in, the forthcoming Parliamentary session. Key points of interest for employment law are:

  • Tips and service charges. The government is proposing to legislate to require employers to pass on all tips and service charges to workers. The Employment (Allocation of Tips) Bill would also require tips collected by employers to be distributed on a fair and transparent basis and would introduce a statutory Code of Practice setting out the principles for fair distribution. This follows a 2016 consultation on tips and service charges.

  • Employment reform and the Good Work Plan. The government has reiterated its commitment to the Good Work Plan, although no new legislation has been proposed. The Queen's Speech merely refers in general terms to measures currently under consideration in the consultations on one-sided flexibility and on a single enforcement body.

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