The conservative party have announced their election manifesto, committing to prioritising the “principle of fairness in the workplace”. Source Conservative: Conservative manifesto . Their proposals include:
Freeze the rates of income tax, National Insurance and VAT.
Increase the National Insurance threshold to £9,500 in 2020, with the overall goal of ensuring that the first £12,500 of a person's earnings are completely free of tax.
Improve incentives to attack the problem of excessive executive pay and rewards for failure.
ensure redundancy payments can be clawed back when high-paid public servants move between jobs.
A new £3 billion National Skills Fund to provide matching funding for individuals and SMEs for high-quality education and training.
Help for employers to invest in skills and consideration of how the working of the Apprenticeship Levy can be improved.
A proposal to require significant numbers of new UK apprentices for all big new infrastructure projects.
A reduction in National Insurance contributions for employers if they employ ex-Service personnel, as well as a guaranteed job interview for veterans for any public sector role they apply for.
The creation of two million new high-quality jobs in clean growth.
The creation of a single enforcement body.
Ensuring a harder-line is taken when employers abuse employment law, for example where they refuse to provide sick pay.
Giving workers the right to request a more predictable contract and other reasonable protections.
Launching a review to explore how the self-employed can be better supported. This includes improving their access to finance and credit (including mortgages), making the tax system easier to navigate, and examining how better broadband can boost home-working.
Leaving all institutions of the EU in January 2020 and end the role of the European Court of Justice.
Encouraging flexible working and consulting on making it an employer’s default position.
Legislating to enable parents to take extended leave for neonatal care.
Considering how to make it easier for fathers to take paternity leave.
Reform redundancy law so companies cannot discriminate against women immediately after returning from maternity leave.
Extending the leave entitlement for unpaid carers, who the party recognises are mostly women.
Funding more high-quality childcare before and after school and during the holidays to support working families.
Publishing a National Strategy for Disabled People before the end of 2020. This will look at ways to improve the benefits system, opportunities and access for disabled people in terms of housing, education, transport and jobs.
Reducing the disability employment gap.
Protecting people from physical attack or harassment whether for their sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or disability.